Hello friends! You've probably found this page because of all the crazy, lynch mob promoting news articles that have recently featured the custody battle over my son and my right as a parent to permanently lop off some twenty thousand nerve endings from the tip of his penis.
You've probably also read quite a bit about how, in the modern, civilized world, circumcision isn't just about forcibly and permanently mutilating nerve endings, but that it's no longer necessary with such modern conveniences such as running water and soap.
But YOU don't know the whole story!
The fact of the matter is I'm presently living in a storage facility which has NO running water nor any soap to speak of either. Further, it's pretty well a shit littered pig stye, covered in all manner of filth and disgusting assortments of three year old used diapers and other "personal items" I've hoarded over the years.
Because of that, I can very much assure you all that forcibly mutilating the end of my son's penis is *VERY* necessary! It's about preventing infections! Cleanliness! Don't you people understand? No, no of course you don't, most of you probably take baths and showers on a regular basis and do crazy things like "hand washing"... but not everyone does that! Not me and not my son (once I find out where my wife is at and I kidnap him through the horribly corrupt family court system).
Make no mistake, my son WILL be living in squalor, my ex-wife WILL be locked up in prison for trying to stop me from mutilating my son's penis and my son WILL have twenty thousand nerve endings chopped off his pecker just to spite my wife (and to ensure my son doesn't ever experience more sexual pleasure than I'm able to experience due to my own penile mutilation)!
Amen brother! It's a parent's choice to circumcise our children no matter how old they are. We see eye to eye on this one, Dennis! @ParentsChoices